Monday, April 16, 2012


So today has been a special day...MY MUSIC VIDEO IS OUT!!!! You can watch it NOW by this link I hope ya'll will!!! It's for my song "May Be Love" that is on my album Find Yourself. I wrote this song with Johnny Bulford who has the #1 song out Lee Brice's "A Woman Like You" and Janell Wheeler from American Idol! I'm so proud to have written this song with them and I'm proud of this video! Doug Lowe produced my video and he was so great. Him and his family, the Lowe family tour.Doug and his sister write amazing songs. It was a great experience and I loved his ideas!! Please share my video with friends and family!I would appreciate the help and support!

On a totally different subject My senior prom was last night and it was bittersweet. Since I finished actually going to school in December it mean't a lot to me to get to go back for that experience. Our group went to the Butcher Shop in Memphis which was great. Then, me and my date/boyfriend Logan walked around downtown Memphis getting funny looks, compliments, and lots of trips from my dress. Once we got there we had senior walk and it was sad that all the kids I grew up with will be spliting up, growing up, and going about our seperate lives. I hope to keep these memories forever and keep in touch. Graduation is coming up soon which will be a even more bittersweet moment I'm sure...better start preparing myself now!!!

Another moment coming up is April 21st, my 18th birthday! That's a pretty big birthday but that doesn't mean I'm going crazy and completely on my own I will still need help and guidance the rest of my life, I'm sure haha!

I also went to Tin Pan South recently which is a songwriters festival of the most amazing writers and it was such an inspiring experience! I hope to be up there with them soon! Thanks for following my career and life events! Let me know what you think of the video!
-Katy :]

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