Monday, April 23, 2012


So by the title of this post I'm guessing you're seeing that I just turned 18 Saturday! It was a great day and my party was more like that of a 11 year old ahaha. I love being outside and just having fun. One of my friends bought a pinata. We hit it a good amount and it was really fun. Also my friends signed my shirt and we had a cookout with cake and games. I can't believe I'm already 18! I think my whole life and all the memories I have flashed back for me to realize how much time really does fly and to enjoy every minute.

Even though I graduated early my counselor is AWESOME and keeps me in the loop so I don't miss out on important things. This morning we had a graduation meeting at 8 OCLOCK ( I think I forgot how to wake up that early) and we also had senior slide show. The pictures ranged from baby to junior high to present day and I realized how sad it is to split up our class after so long.

Thank you for those who are continuing to watch and share my video we are almost to 2,000 views, it's so exciting!!!

My school choir is doing a pop concert for the end of the year and they have ask me to sing an original and participate in the group songs( if I can learn them fast haha). I am thankful for the support from my community.

Thanks for reading what's going on in my life, follow me on twitter or facebook and let me know what's going on in yours! Have an awesome day, make it count :]

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